Lunch-pail Liberal

If you are working class and vote Republican, you just aren't paying attention.

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Location: Peabody, Massachusetts, United States

Greetings, everyone!

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Bill O'Reilly

Conservative or Republican? Can you beleive this guy? Is the title "No Spin Zone" supposed to be ironic? I started listening to him early in 2004. He claims to be "independent." What a farce. Let me tell you what he does. He lures in other independents by sounding like a rational-minded guy for a while. But as the elections draw closer, he tries to convince you that voting republican is probably the right way to go. "Who's going to keep you safer?" he asks. Independent my ass. He's voted democrat as often as I've voted republican (Bill Weld was the last time).

I've heard him go after the "liberal media" time and again. They're entertainers, he says. They care about their ratings. It's all a big show. How he can say this with a straight face as he shills his latest book, the "Factor" on tv, or promotes membership on his website? Talk about two-faced. There isn't a bigger "entertainer" in news more interested is self-promotion than Bill O'Reilly.

Walking on eggshells

I listen to a lot of talk radio, watch the news, what have you. I was listening to Mike Barnicle last week. One caller blamed the democrats and liberal American people for making the military's job harder over in Iraq. He claimed to have served in Iraq. This guy said they can't do their job over there because we keep second guessing there every move they make. The military is always "walking on eggshells."

Well, let me tell you something. The American people and the democrats have had very little control over our military, believe it or not. Don't believe everything you see on FoxNews. As a matter of fact, if most of us had our way, we would have pulled out of Iraq by now. As for who has actually been running the show, you may be surprised to learn it has been the White House and republican party. So if you want to assign blame for how things run in Iraq, look at the top of the command structure, not at those of us who aren't even in the loop.

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Those darn conservatives...

Or as I like to call them, right-wing nutjobs. Who out there can tell me the most important issue to Republican politicians? Let's see, I hear people saying "terrorism," "smaller government," "lower taxes," "government spending," "illegal immigration," "abortion," "capital punishment?" Hmmm, how come nobody said "corporate welfare?" Curious.

I have a question. How's the economy treating you? Okay, not bad, could be better, right. Hey, I'm getting by, but my pay isn't going up, and cost of living is. Want to know who's doing great? That's right, the big oil corporations. Have you heard the record profits that these oil companies bring in every quarter? It's shameful. But the war in Iraq is about terrorism. Sure it is. You remember that W. is an oil man from Texas, don't you? His buddies have gotten filthy rich thanks to our little "war on terror." Democracy is working out great over there too. Why don't we just annex Iraq as the 51st state in the Union. It could be called "East Georgia" or something like that. Ooh, maybe Freedomia. Yeah that has a great ring to it. We could bring in a governor like say, Doanld Rumsfeld. Yeah, promote him to governor of Freedomia. Get that idiot out of the White House.

A brief intro.

What qualifies me as a lunchpail liberal? Well since you asked, I'll tell you. First off, I'm born and raised in Massachusetts. I can hear the "ughs" already. My dad was in the National Guard when I was a kid. He drove an oil truck for the first eleven years of my life. In '78 he bought the floor sanding company that his brother had started in 1962. He's been doing it ever since. I began working for him at eighteen. It's been 21 years since I first started in that business. I think that qualifies me. By the way, I am registered as an Independent.